Destiny 2: How To Get Wild Hunt Armor

The Hunt Begins

Destiny 2, the popular online multiplayer first-person shooter game, has introduced a new armor set called the Wild Hunt. This highly sought-after armor adds a touch of ferocity and style to your Guardian’s appearance. If you’re eager to obtain this impressive armor set, read on to discover how you can acquire it in the game.

Step 1: Unleash the Hunt

The first step to obtaining the Wild Hunt Armor in Destiny 2 is to unleash the hunt itself. This means participating in various activities and events that will increase your chances of finding the armor pieces. Engage in Strikes, Nightfall Strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches to increase your odds.

Step 1.1: Strikes and Nightfall Strikes

Strikes are cooperative missions that you can undertake with other players. They offer a chance to earn powerful gear, including armor pieces. Nightfall Strikes are more challenging versions of Strikes and provide even better rewards. Complete Strikes and Nightfall Strikes to increase your chances of obtaining the Wild Hunt Armor.

Step 1.2: Crucible Matches

Crucible matches are player-versus-player (PvP) battles where you can showcase your skills and compete against other Guardians. By participating in Crucible matches, you have a chance to earn the Wild Hunt Armor as a reward for your performance. So, sharpen your PvP skills and dive into the Crucible to increase your chances of obtaining this coveted armor set.

Step 1.3: Gambit Matches

Gambit is a unique game mode in Destiny 2 that combines PvE and PvP elements. It offers an exciting experience where you compete against enemy AI and other Guardians simultaneously. By playing Gambit matches, you have a chance to earn the Wild Hunt Armor. So, gather your fireteam and jump into Gambit to begin your hunt for this remarkable armor set.

Step 2: The RNG Factor

It’s important to note that the acquisition of the Wild Hunt Armor is subject to the RNG (Random Number Generator) factor. This means that the drop rate for the armor pieces is not guaranteed. You may need to engage in multiple activities and events before obtaining a piece of the armor set.

Step 3: Keep an Eye on Seasonal Events

Destiny 2 regularly introduces seasonal events that offer unique rewards, including armor sets. Keep an eye on these events as they may provide additional opportunities to obtain the Wild Hunt Armor. Participate in the events, complete their challenges, and you might just find yourself with a piece of this highly sought-after armor set.

Step 4: Engrams and Vendors

Engrams are valuable loot containers that can award you with various items, including armor pieces. Keep an eye out for Engrams as they may contain a piece of the Wild Hunt Armor. Additionally, visit vendors in the game, such as the Gunsmith or the Cryptarch, as they sometimes offer armor pieces for sale. Spend your hard-earned in-game currency to add a piece of the Wild Hunt Armor to your collection.

Step 5: Trading and Community Efforts

Destiny 2 has a vibrant community of players who are always willing to help each other. Utilize online forums, social media groups, and in-game chat to connect with fellow Guardians. Trading armor pieces or coordinating gameplay with other players may increase your chances of obtaining the Wild Hunt Armor.

Step 6: Patience and Perseverance

Lastly, acquiring the Wild Hunt Armor requires patience and perseverance. Keep engaging in activities, participating in events, and exploring different avenues to increase your chances of finding the armor pieces. Destiny 2 is a game of dedication, so keep at it, and eventually, the Wild Hunt Armor will be yours.


The Wild Hunt Armor in Destiny 2 is a highly coveted set that adds a touch of ferocity to your Guardian’s appearance. By participating in various activities, engaging in seasonal events, and keeping an eye on Engrams and vendors, you can increase your chances of obtaining this remarkable armor set. Remember to connect with the Destiny 2 community and embrace the RNG factor with patience and perseverance. Good luck on your hunt for the Wild Hunt Armor!

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