Dragon Ball Legends Best Equipment For Each Character


Dragon Ball Legends is a popular mobile game that allows players to engage in epic battles with their favorite Dragon Ball characters. One of the key aspects of the game is equipping characters with the best equipment to enhance their abilities and give them an edge in combat. In this article, we will explore the best equipment options for each character in Dragon Ball Legends in the year 2023.


Goku is the iconic protagonist of the Dragon Ball series and a fan favorite in Dragon Ball Legends. For Goku, the best equipment options include the “Power Pole” and “Kamehameha Wave” equipment. The Power Pole increases his strike attack and defense, while the Kamehameha Wave equipment boosts his blast attack and critical rate.


Vegeta is another beloved character in Dragon Ball Legends known for his fierce determination and rivalry with Goku. The best equipment for Vegeta includes the “Galick Gun” and “Super Saiyan Pride” equipment. The Galick Gun equipment enhances his blast attack and critical rate, while the Super Saiyan Pride equipment boosts his strike attack and defense.


Frieza, the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball series, is a formidable foe in Dragon Ball Legends. To maximize Frieza’s potential, players should equip him with the “Death Beam” and “Golden Frieza” equipment. The Death Beam equipment increases his blast attack and critical rate, while the Golden Frieza equipment enhances his strike attack and defense.


Cell is a bio-android villain known for his ability to absorb other beings and increase his power. The best equipment for Cell includes the “Perfect Form” and “Cell’s Regeneration” equipment. The Perfect Form equipment enhances his strike attack and defense, while the Cell’s Regeneration equipment boosts his blast attack and critical rate.


Gohan, the son of Goku, is a character with immense potential in Dragon Ball Legends. To unlock his true power, players should equip him with the “Mystic Gohan” and “Father-Son Kamehameha” equipment. The Mystic Gohan equipment increases his strike attack and defense, while the Father-Son Kamehameha equipment enhances his blast attack and critical rate.


Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, is a powerhouse character in Dragon Ball Legends. The best equipment for Broly includes the “Gigantic Meteor” and “Wrath of the Berserker” equipment. The Gigantic Meteor equipment enhances his blast attack and critical rate, while the Wrath of the Berserker equipment boosts his strike attack and defense.


Choosing the best equipment for each character in Dragon Ball Legends can greatly enhance their performance in battles. By equipping characters with equipment that complements their strengths, players can dominate their opponents and rise to the top. Experiment with different equipment combinations and find the perfect setup for your favorite characters. Keep in mind that new equipment may be introduced in the future, so stay updated with the latest updates to ensure you have the best equipment for each character in Dragon Ball Legends.

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